Isabelle Raffin
| Dec 20, 2022
We see limitations in travel every day. Some of these include the rate at which we can get from one place to another, how efficiently we can travel, and how safely we can get to the place we want to be. Innovators across the globe are working to expand those limits. So, in a way, travel can become limitless. What do we need to make these dreams a reality? Just a little bit of time and some imagination. We used our creative side to give you a few examples of what the future has to offer.
Flight Rationing:
This is referring to the limited allocation of flight miles to any given individual. For instance, one person may receive 500 flight miles per year to either use or save. The longer you go without flying, the more miles you collect to use. But if you go over the allotted miles you have for that year, you would need to pay a fine. Although this may seem like a punishment to those of us that value our time exploring the world every year, it would limit the carbon emissions seen by aircrafts today (which by the way is a top emitter of carbon dioxide).
Highly efficient “railways”:
Hyperloop’s may replace conventional railway transportation by 2050, or even earlier. These systems are sort of like the subway systems and railways we see throughout the world today. The difference? Hyperloop’s travel at a much higher speed and with a pod rather than a train link. It works with a combination of magnets and an electric motor. This could open many doors for even those that don’t travel today.
Driverless Transportation:
With services such as Uber and Lyft already commonly used in cities all over the world, driverless cars could be coming up next. Supporters of this idea boast that safety, fuel efficiency, and transport efficiency are all pros attached to this innovation. Safety comes from the expected widespread adoption of this innovation, with cars working together. This may result in fewer collisions per year. Additionally, since cars will work together, carbon emissions resulting from congestion on roadways could be significantly reduced.
Flying Taxis:
Along the same lines as driverless cars/taxis, we might see individual flying cars in the future. These could enhance our travel experience on a day-to-day basis by decreasing transport times and offering better transport safety, much like driverless transportation. These too would most likely be autonomous. Flying cars might start out as a shared transportation method but eventually could have the potential to become individualized.
Wi-Fi in the Sky:
In a world where we are connected to each other constantly, Wi-Fi is important. It’s not only important to stay connected socially; connectivity is important in today’s world of working wirelessly from anywhere. This could promote travel for a completely new group of people. So, Wi-Fi in the sky seems like a logical innovation to come, hopefully soon. Unmanned airplanes would ideally fly for months at a time all around the world casting Wi-Fi throughout. This could give new, underdeveloped countries the opportunity to access a network they never could before.
Orbital Rings:
Further down the line, the use of air transportation may be phased out completely. Orbital rings held in the sky by rotation and gravity could make traveling from one side of the world to another a weekend hobby. Cables would connect people on the surface of the earth to the ring in minimal time. This ring, or rings, would run a path several hundred miles above the earth’s surface and transport people from one destination to another. In fact, they might even pave the way for space travel for the average consumer in the distant future.
Environmental Sustainability:
With all these exciting ideas, one of the biggest considerations to keep in the foreground is environmental sustainability. Currently, carbon emissions from travel are contributing greatly to global air pollution. In the future, we hope to see this change regardless of the other possibilities we’ve talked about. Scientists around the world are working to enhance solar power usage as well as using alternate fuel options such as recycled cooking oil.
Now, and in the future, we need to make sure our travel plans are protected! Talk to your travel advisor today or visit to learn more.