Press Releases

Thanksgiving Travel Advice from Travel Insured

by Kellyn Uhelsky | Nov 16, 2016

GLASTONBURY, CT (PRWEB) NOVEMBER 15, 2016 - Travel Insured International provides tips on how to keep Thanksgiving holiday travel less stressful.

The holiday season is nearing, and while most of us are excited to spend time with friends and family, many of us also dread the thought of having to deal with the traveling associated with it. Thanksgiving is one of, if not the most traveled holidays of the year with endless delays, traffic, and interruptions occurring everywhere. Travel Insured International, a travel protection provider shares a few tips to make sure your trip runs as smooth as possible, no matter if your plans include flying, driving, or both.

1. Allow extra time. 
If you are flying, be sure to arrive at the airport close to two hours before you are scheduled to take off. This will ensure that you will have time to get through security lines, as well as reduce any stress you may experience while getting to your assigned gate. If you are driving, always factor in some flexibility for your arrival time to account for any stops or heavy traffic you run into along the way.

2. Choose travel times wisely. 
If possible, try traveling on off days such as Monday or Tuesday and returning home on another week day rather than the weekend. One of the other options is to fly on Thanksgiving when prices will be cheaper and less people will be traveling on the actual holiday. Also, set up price alerts on your phone so that you will be notified of any price drops available with the airline carriers you are interested in purchasing tickets from.

3. Pack a carry on. 
It is always a good idea to pack light and carry on your bag, but keep in mind that other travelers will all have the same idea, meaning overhead space may be tight on board. Try your best to pack only the essentials and lighten your load.

4. Download useful apps. 
Before you go, download a few of the most popular travel apps such as FlightTrack Pro, Packpoint, GateGuru, Waze, and GasBuddy, to help you manage everything from tracking your flights, to avoiding traffic, to providing a packing list to help make your life easier.

5. Purchase a travel protection plan. 
Many people only think to purchase travel protection if they are planning a long, far away trip that they see as potentially dangerous. Truth is, the chance for a travel disruption is always there, especially when traveling during one of the busiest seasons. A travel protection plan can help reimburse lost expense due to cancellations, delays, lost/stolen baggage, missed connections, medical emergencies, and more.

Visit or call 1-800-243-3174 for more information on the plans provided.

About Travel Insured: 
Founded in 1994 by Peter Gehris, Travel Insured International is one of the leading travel insurance providers, offering the highest quality worldwide travel protection for over 20 years. Located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, Travel Insured offers an array of travel insurance benefits. Also included in Travel Insured’s plans are non-insurance travel assistance services, which are provided by a partner assistance company. Travel Insured maintains relationships with specialty travel providers and tour operators, as well as provides 24/7 customer assistance, every day of the year. In 2015, Travel Insured was acquired by Crum & Forster, whose parent company is Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. The financial strength and core values of the companies give Travel Insured the best position in the market to continue its commitment of helping travelers protect their travel plans to travel relaxed, travel secure, and travel insured.

The plans contain insurance benefits underwritten by the United States Fire Insurance Company. C&F and Crum & Forster are registered trademarks of United States Fire Insurance Company. The Crum & Forster group of companies is rated A (Excellent) by AM Best Company 2016. The plans also contains non-insurance Travel Assistance Services that are provided by an independent organization, and not by United States Fire Insurance Company or Travel Insured International. Coverages may vary and not all coverage is available in all jurisdictions.

Travel Insured International 
855 Winding Brook Drive 
Glastonbury, CT

This website contains highlights of the plans developed by Travel Insured International, which include travel insurance coverages underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company, Principal Office located in Morristown, New Jersey, under form series T7000 et al, T210 et al and TP-401 et al, and non-insurance Travel Assistance Services provided by C&F Services and for WTP Cruise only, AwayCare and Blue Ribbon Bags. The terms of insurance coverages in the plans may vary by jurisdiction and not all insurance coverages are available in all jurisdictions. Insurance coverages in these plans are subject to terms, limitations and exclusions including an exclusion for pre-existing medical conditions. In most states, your travel retailer is not a licensed insurance producer/agent, and is not qualified or authorized to answer technical questions about the terms, benefits, exclusions and conditions of the insurance offered or to evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance coverage. Your travel retailer may be compensated for the purchase of a plan and may provide general information about the plans offered, including a description of the coverage and price. The purchase of travel insurance is not required in order to purchase any other product or service from your travel retailer. CA DOI toll free number is 800-927-4357. The cost of your plan is for the entire plan, which consists of both insurance and non-insurance components. Individuals looking to obtain additional information regarding the features and pricing of each travel plan component, please contact Travel Insured International. P.O. Box 6503, Glastonbury, CT 06033; 855-752-8303; [email protected]; California license #0I13223. While Travel Insured International markets the travel insurance in these plans on behalf of USF, non-insurance components of the plans were added to the plans by Travel Insured and Travel Insured does not receive compensation from USF for providing the non-insurance components of the plans.